Oct 31, 2015

Change Creation Date of file to Modified Date using PowerShell

Use the following PowerShell command to change the Creation Date to the Modified Date of all files in a folder.

Get-ChildItem -recurse -filter *.JPG | % { $_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime }

Oct 8, 2015

Rename all files replacing a text using PowerShell

Let's say you have a number of files at location C:\demo with text "OldValue" in it. And you want to replace text "OldValue" to "NewValue" in all files. To do that follow the steps below:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell.
  2. Navigate to location C:\demo
  3. Run the following Windows PowerShell command: 
    Get-ChildItem -Filter "*OldValue*" -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.name -replace 'OldValue','NewValue' }
  4. All files will be renamed.

  • The command Get-ChildItem -Filter "*OldValue*" finds all files with the string "OldValue" anywhere in the name.
  • Get-ChildItem searches recursively through all subfolders.
  • | (the pipe character) instructs Windows PowerShell to take each item (object) found with the first command (Get-ChildItem) and pass it to the second command (Rename-Item)
  • Rename-Item renames files and other objects.
  • {$_.name -replace 'OldValue','NewValue' } instructs Rename-Item to find the string "OldValue" in the file name and replace it with "NewValue"